I always had a fascination with slippers that matched bathrobes. Now I have some. I love getting out of the shower, drying off, and slipping on my bathrobe and slippers. They're so fuzzy, and I think my kitten likes them too.
The light blue set of slippers on the right are my bath slippers. The dark ones on the left are those annoying ones with the little lumpy dots on the bottom. They're so uncomfortable when you're walking on hard floors because the dots keep pushing into the bottom of your feet. At least they're falling off now.
The weird thing about it all is that sometimes my feet start sweating because they're so hot when I wear the slippers. That doesn't make any sense, but doesn't it feel so good when you're very hot, and then you take off whatever is making you hot, and then you go stand in front of something cold? Yup yup.
I'm not a big fan of shoes. I prefer barefoot, but unfortunately you can't go barefoot in the store or the public street. Only in the front or backyard.
I like nature, but I despise hot weather. I love cold weather, except for all the clothes you have to wear when you go outside. It'd be cool if you could go barefoot in cold weather, huh? My dad grew up in the Lama Foundation up in the mountains of New Mexico, and when it would snow there, he and his friends would see who could go the farthest in it barefoot. Ouch.
This winter really sucked. I mean, first of all, it didn't even snow a lot, second, it was too cold for it not to snow, and third, I hate tending the fire. I wish it would just fill itself with wood. Oh wait, I forgot, that's a gas fireplace. It doesn't even use wood!
Winters down here just suck. I haven't seen real snow in almost three years. I miss it. I remember 2003. Oh yes. That was a beauteous snow. Ankle high, clean, soft, perfect. I wish I lived a little farther up north where they get one of those every year. Not really far up north, but far enough where I can be guaranteed snow once a year. I love making snow angels and having snowball fights and making snowmen, even though I'm a little old for all that. So what? Who says I can't act like a little kid every once in a while, huh?
Now I have to get ready to do math, reading, social studies, basketball, religious studies, and then I'm done for the day. You may think I don't do as much work, but I just don't spend all my time doing free stuff like people at school do.
Time to go. I really really really wanna watch Lost tonight, but it's not the season premiere, only the finale of last season. Gosh. Hurry up and get here, nine o' clock tomorrow!!!
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