Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm Feeling Cactusey...

Get it? Cactusey? That means I feel like poking you! Hahahaha!
Okay, so it was stupid. But I dare you to touch it. Go on. I double dog dare you. Can't turn away now...
Did you touch it? Good. You, at least, have some sense.
Okay, all that was really stupid. But cactuses are just soooooooo boring, unless you're a plant person, or you study plants. What's the word for that? Ecologist? Plantologist? Something like that.
You might also enjoy cactuses if you're out in the desert with no water and about to die of thirst. When you find a cactus, you're probably like "Thank you, God!" Then you take a knife, or a sharp rock or whatever and go cut the cactus open, and then out comes pure, wonderful, life-dependent liquid. Water. *Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp* *Sigh*
You know why this cactus is all lopsided? We were praying one day, and someone backed up into it, and it fell on the ground. All the dirt came out. :-( It could've been me, it might've been me, it probably was me, but you'll never know, now will you?
I always wondered why cactuses have spikes. Maybe it's cause they don't WANT you to steal the water in them, and yet you do it anyway. Hey cactus! Let me tell you something... We can't last without water for more than 3 days, but you can last for 7 years with all the water inside you! Give us humans a break! And just WHY do you have a flower on top of you? It tempts us even more!
I don't like spikes, but these don't hurt very much. You know those leaves that you find on garden bushes? Those are the ones that hurt. And they're so shiny too!
I've gotta go now. I need to finish all my work if I want to play RuneScape tonight!

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