This is a kaleidoscope. Is that how you spell it? Cause I'm not sure. Anyway, I never could figure out how they worked. I think the makers just take colored stuff and slice it so that it's almost paper thin, and then they stick everything between two sheets of glass. Then they take 50 million lenses and put them every which way. I know something has to be twistable, I just don't know whether it's the lenses or the glass. I could be totally wrong in my predictions, but that's honestly how I think kaleidoscopes are made.
We got this one for Eid, our religious holiday. It came in a nice fancy box. It is actually a nice kaleidoscope. Wooden, gold dial, and the colors are nice too. I think I saw some pearls in there.
Isn't it just weird how teachers can turn fun stuff into boring stuff? I hated it when my teachers used to take those shaped blocks and tell us to make patterns on a piece of paper and then trace it. I liked making patterns, but I hated tracing it. It's fun to take yellow hexagons, blue skinny diamonds, red fat diamonds, orange squares, and green triangles and make cool symmetrical patterns out of them. It's just that when you add work to it, it isn't fun anymore. You know what I mean?
Now that I'm done talking about this picture, what else do I talk about? I mean, it's Thursday, I would like to get my work done so that I can go and watch the last episode of Season 3 of Lost so that I can be prepared for Claire's reaction to Charlie's death in the premiere that's coming on tonight at 9, *gasp* *gasp* *gasp*
I know I'm addicted to the show, you don't have to tell me! I'm not that stupid. It's just a great TV show, one of the better. And if only the stupid writers would go and resolve their little pay dispute, I would be so much happier, knowing that I will be seeing more than 9 episodes. And then I could watch Heroes too. o:-)
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't know what to write anymore and I still have 10 minutes left!!!!!!! What am I supposed to do? Oh wait, I know what to write about!
I haven't seen my friends in about a month and a half. I may be exaggerating, but it sucks that I haven't seen them in forever. My sister is a social butterfly. She either gets invited over, or invites over one of her friends, every single weekend! Sometimes they come and she goes, and sometimes they don't. It's just not fair! When I was in fourth grade, I didn't get to do all that!!!
I despise all sorts of school lessons. Sure, they're educational, but my dad once saw this comic. There was a picture of a kid going into school, and his brain was so big that he had to carry it in a jar. Then an adult came out of the building years later. He had no jar. That's what school does to you, and that's why I'm sitting here not in a public school.
3 minutes left!!!
2 minutes left!!!
1 minute left!!!
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