Everyone's got a history, it's just that most people don't realize it. Like, when people brought the slaves from Africa, they probably didn't realize that the Africans had families and histories to go back too. All because of the color of they're skin. I don't really understand why people think that they're better. I mean, if everyone had no skin, nobody would know who was who. But then they'd probably find some other way to persecute different people. "I've got more muscles than you do, so you can't be anywhere near me!" It's so sad.
This is a picture of my baby book. It is loaded with pictures, souvenirs, and what not, all from when I was a little tiny baby. There are even pictures of my parents' wedding, even though that was five years before I was born, but still. In the front pocket of the book is my bracelet. You know, the ones you get at the hospital if you're a patient. My birth certificate is in there too. On the back it's got my little feet. But why do you need a birth certificate? I mean, if you exist, obviously you were born. Why do you need to certify it?
My ex-uncle, (my mom's sister's ex-husband), was a major picture guy. And seeing as my cousin, (his son), was born two and a half weeks after me, there are a bunch of pictures of my cousin and I in a playpen. I think in one of them his foot was in my mouth. Oh, the days when we were a bunch of innocent babies...
I was the only one of my brothers and sisters to have a baby book. Mostly because I was the oldest, and the oldest always gets the most pictures. I feel so bad for my littlest brother. He barely has any pictures of his babyhood. He's in kindergarten though, so he probably doesn't give a care.
Now, let's go through my childhood, shall we? When I was two, my brother was born, when I was four, my sister was born, when I was five, kindergarten, six, first grade and a sister. Seven, second grade, and a brother. Eight, third grade in a new school. Nine, fourth grade, ten, fifth grade. Eleven, sixth grade, new school of course. Twelve, seventh grade. Thirteen, eighth grade, and so on. So, as you can see, my life has been the normal American life. Except for the fact that I went to Morocco when I was seven, and Senegal when I was twelve.
I have to go now. Well, almost. I'm sorta bored and I have no idea why my dad wants me to write for half an hour. It makes no sense. Writing is just so boring, and I'm so tired because I went to bed at 11, and woke up at 8:30, even though that's 9 hours of sleep. Wow, I need a lot of sleep. I want to get this schoolwork over with so I can play Monopoly, sleep, play RuneScape, sleep, and cuddle with my kitten. If only she'd like my bed better than the top bunk.
I'm going now. Too tired, must sleep. Bye!
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