He's big, but I love him cause he's so fun to try and hug all night.
You know how they make gingerbread men and houses? I wonder if I could make this snowman out of candy. Let's see, his body could be a big cookie covered in frosting, his eyes are chocolate balls, his nose is a candy corn, his mouth is black licorice, (even though I hate that stuff), his vest is blue frosting, his buttons are gumdrops, his scarf is a Twizzler, his hat is another cookie covered in chocolate frosting, (we're gonna have to improvise cause I know that black frosting doesn't taste good at all), and then you cover his hands and feet with chocolate frosting. Sounds pretty good, huh?
People might ask why I like stuffed animals and toys so much. My answer is that every single one has a story to it, and they're all so cuddly too. You could pile them all up and then use them as a pillow.
Whenever it snows, I always have such a hard time building a snowman. Either there's not enough snow, or there is enough and I can't do it myself. I remember in the big winter snow of 2003, we went over to our neighbor's house and built a snowman there. It was a big one too. We took shovels and started piling snow on there. We had to use a baby carrot for his nose, and buttons for his eyes and mouth. We sure changed the definition of a snowman.
Ugh, there's nothing else to write about, and I've still got 7 minutes left. I could gripe about how cold it is right now. I'm wearing a sweater, fuzzy socks, and there's a fire going, and I'm still cold. It probably doesn't help that I'm sitting right next to a window and it's 40 degrees outside, though. My mom has the warm couch. She's sleeping right now, which is what I wish I could do, because I'm literally falling asleep working. I can barely keep my eyes open.
When my friends came over last weekend we started acting like little kids. One thing I remember is one of my friends making up this thing. We were jumping on the trampoline and we were trying to fall down and then get back up with no hands by using our legs to propel ourselves. Everytime we did it, she'd say "One, two, threeee!" Well, Saturday morning, she changed it a bit. Now it was "Oooone, twooooo, shreeeeeee!!!" Yeah. Shree. Like a kid. Oh well. Sometimes it's nice to be little again. The problem with a lot of people these days is that they don't know how to hae fun (namely parents).
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