Friday, February 8, 2008

An Artistic Kit...

Everything is so expensive these days. You go to any soda machine in the country and you'll never find a soda for more than 55 cents. Gum is 60 cents a pack in vending machines, and a decent meal in a decent restaurant is 20 bucks. (I'm not talking about fast food places, cause they're not decent at all!) But you know, this art kit may have been expensive, but it was worth it.
The kit comes with 3 different types of color. Oil paints, colored pencils, (not the cheap Crayola kind), and oil pastels. There's also paintbrushes, pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener. Great art kit, huh?
The whole thing is layered. Of course, because if it wasn't, that'd be on wide art kit. It all closes up into a wooden briefcase-shaped thing. Why do I call it a briefcase? Because it is as thick as one, and because it's got a handle, along with the clickity locks. You know, the ones that flip open and shut.
I'm not an artsy person. I can't draw much, except stick people, but then again, anyone can draw a bunch of lines and an oval. I can't draw people, animals, items, and I suck at 3-D. I can draw the shape, but once I add the shadow in, it looks horrible. Yeah, that's how bad I am.
You know, my great-aunt is a wonderful artist. She makes things look so lifelike. One time she drew a picture of me holding my American Girl doll. I think I was nine or so. She even has a studio at her daughter's house that she lives in. It's a nice place. A large table, a sink, a bed, a loft, the only thing it's missing is a bathroom. My uncle is about to build one there.
I really wish I had a talent. All I'm good at is figuring out math problems. I'm not exceptionally good at anything. I'm kind of normal at everything. I guess I'm good at juggling, but my brother is better at a lot of stuff. He can climb trees, do flips on the trampoline, and he can actually kick a ball. I suck at sports, and I'm too scared to do much. Just riding on a motercycle was scary for me. A lot of people say that as long as you're good at studies, you'll succeed. I don't think that's true, because some of the richest people today may have degrees, but they were always good at one certain thing: whatever they're involved in. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, but that is a long way away, for all I know. I guess for now I'll just have to be satisfied with whatever I'm good at.
Last night, I finished my lesson just in time to watch Lost. It was an awesome show. I really love watching it, but I wish that that I didn't have to wait a whole week more to watch the next one. They're so suspensful!

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