The kit comes with 3 different types of color. Oil paints, colored pencils, (not the cheap Crayola kind), and oil pastels. There's also paintbrushes, pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener. Great art kit, huh?
The whole thing is layered. Of course, because if it wasn't, that'd be on wide art kit. It all closes up into a wooden briefcase-shaped thing. Why do I call it a briefcase? Because it is as thick as one, and because it's got a handle, along with the clickity locks. You know, the ones that flip open and shut.
I'm not an artsy person. I can't draw much, except stick people, but then again, anyone can draw a bunch of lines and an oval. I can't draw people, animals, items, and I suck at 3-D. I can draw the shape, but once I add the shadow in, it looks horrible. Yeah, that's how bad I am.
You know, my great-aunt is a wonderful artist. She makes things look so lifelike. One time she drew a picture of me holding my American Girl doll. I think I was nine or so. She even has a studio at her daughter's house that she lives in. It's a nice place. A large table, a sink, a bed, a loft, the only thing it's missing is a bathroom. My uncle is about to build one there.
I really wish I had a talent. All I'm good at is figuring out math problems. I'm not exceptionally good at anything. I'm kind of normal at everything. I guess I'm good at juggling, but my brother is better at a lot of stuff. He can climb trees, do flips on the trampoline, and he can actually kick a ball. I suck at sports, and I'm too scared to do much. Just riding on a motercycle was scary for me. A lot of people say that as long as you're good at studies, you'll succeed. I don't think that's true, because some of the richest people today may have degrees, but they were always good at one certain thing: whatever they're involved in. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, but that is a long way away, for all I know. I guess for now I'll just have to be satisfied with whatever I'm good at.
Last night, I finished my lesson just in time to watch Lost. It was an awesome show. I really love watching it, but I wish that that I didn't have to wait a whole week more to watch the next one. They're so suspensful!
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