Well, the girl, including me, played jacks, and towards the end, pick up sticks. Unfortunately the boys got ahold of the sticks, so as you can probably tell, they all disappeared.
Well, from about November to July, we played jacks, jacks, jacks. Every bit of free time we had we played. We started with plastic ones, but after my mom went back to America again, she brought back nice silver and gold metal ones. The African girls were actually pretty good, but that's probably because they also had a variation of jacks. Except it uses rocks, and obviously you have to catch the throwing rock before it hits the ground because, no matter how hard you try, ROCKS DON'T BOUNCE!!! That's for all you weirdos who try to get them to bounce by dropping them over and over again, hoping that they'll hop in the air. THEY WON'T!!! So anyway...
It took me awhile to get good, mostly because I'd failed playing their rock game, but eventually I got it, and I could swear I was the best, not to brag or anything. But I guess that all got to my head, cause there was a period where I couldn't throw the ball at all. Don't laugh. It's true. I know it sounds stupid, but I get these periods where I'm unable to do stuff. It's weird, but it happens. Usually something very stressful happens to me. Like there was one time when I was 9 where I couldn't eat properly for about seven months after I almost badly choked on a tomato. Yeah, a tomato that wasn't cut up properly. Or was it a banana? I can't remember. But anyway, my mom eventually helped me get over that, mostly by counting, and when she said three, I HAD to throw the ball. It didn't work at first, but I eventually got my skill back, and after that, I was better than ever before. Hehe.
So there's that story. What else should I talk about within three minutes? Oh I know, yesterday my mom got me a 2 gb memory chip for my cell phone, and even with ALL my music on it, it can hold almost 3,500 pictures. Ouch. I need more music, actually. Altogether I have about 30 songs, maybe less. I need a few more to complete my collection of artists. I like Avril Lavigne, Vanessa Carlton, Hilary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, and I've just recently gotten hooked on Taylor Swift. And this Muslim singer, Kareem Salama.
Oops, there goes the timer. Time to go. Dude, the days are going by fast. Soon it'll be my half birthday, and then my birthday. And then another birthday. Maybe soon I'll get my learner's permit. I can't wait till I can drive. =)
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