Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Time Quartet

Or at least, that's what it's called on Wikipedia. All I have to say is that these books are awesome. Truthfully, I'm not a big fan of science-fiction, but I do like the books that I call "A Wrinkle in Time books," regardless of which one it is. I first read A Wrinkle in Time in 5th grade, but I don't think that I really understood it. Then when we were in Africa, I saw it on the bookshelf and picked it up thinking, "You know, maybe I should read this again. Because last time, I didn't get it, and I can't even remember what it's about." So yeah. Then I got hooked on it. It was a very sweet book, very nice, and taught me a bit.
For me, the science fiction didn't stand out as much as the moral. Like I said, I'm not a big fan of it. I like fantasy more because it gives me more room to imagine, but I guess you could say that science fiction is just advanced fantasy. But anyway...
After reading A Wrinkle in Time, I waited till we got home, and I looked everywhere for the second book, A Wind in the Door. I mean it, I searched everywhere, practically tearing apart one of the bookshelves, I was so desperate. We've been back for about 7 months, and two days ago I finally found it, lying on the bookshelf. It was probably there the whole time, but in the picture you'll see that the books are sort of fancyish. Well the book A Wind in the Door that we own, it's kind of tattered, and yellow. Hey, at least we have it.
So I finished that in two days. I'm starting Many Waters because it is the next book chronologically, but not published next.
I also hear that there's another book that belongs with these. I forget what it's called, but hey, at least there's another. And you know what's really weird? Madeleine L'engle died on my birthday of last year. Ouch. It was natural though, cause she was kind of old. A Wrinkle in Time was published in what, the 1950s?
Guess what today is!!!!!!! T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y!!!!! And why is this the best day of the week? No it's NOT because tomorrow is Friday! Four letters. L-O-S-T!!!! The bestest show everrrr is on tonight!!!! Yay!!!

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