Now for you people who don't know what any of these tools are, I shall describe each one's job, starting on the left.
First, the oval-shaped, grey and white thing is called a nail file. It's used to smooth down the tips of your nails after you cut them, because if you trim them, you end up with points or rough edges. Yeah.
Next, the little tweezer-like things are tweezers, obviously. They are very useful for pulling out hangnails that keep getting on your nerves. The tool next to that is a tweezer too, but the large one has a smaller tip, so it's easier to work. You know, I'm not quite sure what the small one is for. I guess they can both be used to do the same thing.
Next is a toenail clipper. Yes, toenails. I mean, the nail clipper cannot be used to cut toenails. It's just to small, and toenails are thick and strong. So you need a strong clipper.
Now we have the nail scissors. These are also used to cut nails. They're used when your nails aren't long enough to need clippers, but you still want to cut them. Honestly, I like to keep my nails short because it's very hard to keep them from getting dirty. But the only reason I use the scissors is so that I don't HAVE to use the nail file. The scissors cut smoothly, why use the file?
Next is a double-tool. The pointy end is used to pry dirt out from under your nails. Especially if it's way in there. Like there sometimes gets to be dirt under my nails that I can't get out easily. So I use that. The other end is used to push cuticles back. You know, the little piece of skin that covers the back of your nail. You can PUSH that. Especially when it starts hurting. Use a lotion first though, to soften it up.
Last but not least, we have the nail clippers. Need I say more?
Okay, so this is the basic tool kit for nails, also called a manicure kit. Very very useful. Right now my nails don't look all that good, but oh well. I had to cut them after a shower, which is the best time to do it because they're soft. I hate it when my nail splits cause I get it caught on something. So I had to cut every nail so it didn't look bad. Did you know that the more you like your nails, the longer it takes them to grow? It's just experience. My friend almost never cuts her nails, until they get about 3/4 of an inch, and they grow back really fast.
I got this kit for 16 bucks at Bath and Body Works. They were having a big sale, and every time you bought something they would give you a "10 dollars off" coupon. We kept going in and out over and over again, and they saw us doing it, and still gave us coupons. We saved about 50 bucks that day.
Time to go. No really. I'm leaving now. If I go right now, I'll hopefully be finished before 3:15. Byebye, so long, TTYL.
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