Everything fits into a neat storage case. There are slots for the dice, slots for the property cards, chance and community chest cards, credit cards and calculator, the mover pieces, and even the houses and hotels.
There are several big changes in this game. It is just the Here and Now version without money. Basically the prices have been made higher, up into the thousands and millions, but then again, you do start with 15m and you get 2m from passing Go, so it all makes sense. The cheapest property is 60k, and the most expensive one is 4m.
The properties have been upgraded too. We have Times Square, Las Vegas Blvd, the White House, Hollywood, the French Quarter of New Orleans, and even Disney World in this new version. The houses and hotels are now silver and blue instead of red and green. The dice are clearish blue, and the pieces are awesome! We have an Altoids tin, a baseball cap, a space shuttle, a widescreen TV, a dog in a purse (probably a copy of Paris Hilton), and one of those little Segways. You know, the things that you see the security guards at the mall drive. (Or at least I do).
This game is so modern, and I love the fact that I don't have to calculate the money anymore! You can just take the exact number off the card! I think the only problem is that you aren't sure how much money you can afford to spend. You know how in the original Monopoly, when you wanted to buy something, you had the general idea of whether you could afford it or not because all your money was right there in front of you. Now you have to put the card in the calculator to bring up your total money amount. Oh well, it's probably the only flaw.
My dad thought I was crazy when I bought this. My mom did too, but that's because they're older and both of them just despise remakes for some strange reason. I love them. They're a lot more exciting. Who wants to sit and play the same game for the rest of your childhood? Definetly not me. It's so boring. I like the fact that all the classic games are being remade into modern ones. I mean, I'll play the classic ones too, and I have them, but remakes are a lot more fun. But the one game that I do love is Life. At least it has a definite end, unlike Monopoly.
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