Friday, February 22, 2008

A Simple Pencil

I absolutely hate wooden pencils. I mean it. Who doesn't? I mean, you have to sharpen them, and it's hard to get them just right, and then when they break you have to go sharpen them again! Now mechanical pencils, that's a different story. If it breaks, so what? Just push the top. And the pencils last forever. All you need to do is refill the lead when it runs out. And there's all kinds of sizes, too. So if you like thin leads, go get a thin lead size. If you prefer thick ones that don't break so easily, then get a thick lead pencil. Mechanical pencils are the absolute best.
When I was in elementary school, especially when I was young, all we had were regular pencils. I despised them, especially when bad kids broke the sharpener and the teacher didn't bother to replace it. What are we supposed to do then? Just sit there and not write cause we don't have sharp pencils? I think the teachers always had those little handheld sharpeners which I REALLY hate. Those things are so annoying!!
In fourth and fifth grade when we got our school supplies list, it specifically said that we couldn't bring mechanical pencils to school. My teachers said it's cause when the lead gets on the floor, people step on it and it smears all over the floor and it's hard to clean. People brought them anyway, and we never even got in trouble. I think the teachers even approved of them more.
I do remember in 6th grade science class we got a new pencil sharpener that worked really well, and people were purposely breaking their pencils so that they could go and use it. There was a line of like 7 kids at a time.
Sooo, do you wanna hear about Lost now? Cause every show is better than the one before it. And this one was great. Especially the end. Bigggg cliffhanger. And Locke is a baddie. Ooooh.

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