When we were in Africa, one of the girls was caught playing with cards, and one of the people there, you might classify him as the superintendent, ripped each one in half. Ouch.
The thing is that Senegal is a Muslim country, and gambling is forbidden in Islam. I think I've got an idea why.
When you gamble, usually you're looking for an easy way to make money. That isn't right. You need to work for your money, not hope you get lucky. Gambling is addictive too, just like cigarettes.
My favorite game to play is Speed a.k.a. Spit. There are two ways to play it, but it's really fun. I'm really good, and I usually beat whoever I'm playing. Usually.
I also like Solitare, but you know what's funny? I know people who play Solitare on the computer 24/7, but when you give them a deck of cards to play it, they have no clue how to set it up. It's hilarious. Shows just how badly people get hooked on the computer. There's no need to play something on the computer that you can play with your hands. Weirdos.
Does anyone besides me ever wonder why the ace of spades is always fancy? I'm guessing it's got something to do with gambling. And jokers? I mean, what are those about?
The cool things about cards are magic tricks. I'm so good at certain card tricks, and I love them. Except when I'm performing for my brother. He always watches everything, and won't draw a card till I shuffle the deck. Stupid. That ruins the whole trick. Usually. He's so mean sometimes.
Sooo... I can't wait till I'm done with this schoolwork. TGIF!!! Weekend, here I come! I love you!
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