1-It looks horrible.
2-It feels really gross
3-It's annoying
4-It's dry (obviously)
I mean it! It stings if it's cold, when it's warm it still stings, though not as badly, and it's so annoying! I remember one time I was in Virginia visiting my aunt and uncle, and when I woke up, my face was burning so badly!!!! Not to mention it was like 25 degrees outside, and we were in the mountains! So I had to go and find some lotion, smear it on, and you know what happened? Guess.
No! My face didn't immediately feel better! It started stinging even more! I had to put more on because as soon as I smeared it on, there was no more. I had to overapply it. So my face was all white. But anyway, my dad said that it was stinging because my skin was absorbing the lotion so fast. That's how dry my skin was! My skin is usually fine, but if it's cold in the atmosphere, then my skin gets dry everywhere. When I go out on the trampoline in 40 degree weather, my hands and feet get really dry.
Lotion is so annoying though! It's so greasy, gets everywhere, makes everything slippery, and you have to wait for your skin to absorb it before you can go touch anything. You wanna hear a weird story?
My brother went out to the shed to search for stuff, and he found an electronics kit. It was like one of those plastic bases with little copper and metal wires and stuff. On top of the box were three people, and I found out from my dad later that my grandpa had scribbled all over it because he hates those commercials that show the whole family happily playing along with everything, when everyone knows that there's always arguing about whose turn it is or who's cheating. LIARS! So anyway, at the end of that box, there was a glob of white stuff. I didn't want to touch it, cause it looked really nasty. I still don't know what it is, but it's either mayonnaise or lotion. I think it's lotion, because wouldn't mayonnaise have spoiled within the past, I don't know, eight years?
My favorite lotion place is Bath and Body Works. We got this cool lotion stuff there. And there were all these cool foamy soaps too. They all had nice smells. My favorite one is the pineapple one. Pineapple is my favorite fruit, unless you count cucumbers as a fruit, which I also like a lot.
Sham is lounging on the end of my bed right now, just sleeping. We had a thunderstorm about an hour ago, and every time it thundered, she would sit up and stare till the rumble died down. Now she's just sleeping. I truly think that she's a kitten at heart, and she only acts fierce so that people are scared of her. She's really a big ol' softie. I still love her.
So how about that movie Vantage Point? I want to see that badly. I don't know why, but I really want to. I just like thriller movies. Dadddddddy? Can we please go see it? Puhlease??? =-)
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