Four days ago, we put Sham outside because she was being bad. Later in the afternoon, I called her to come in and she didn't come. Strange. Usually she comes running. So we wait two days, and she still doesn't come. We start hanging up posters, and then our neighbor says she might've been eaten by a hawk. After hearing that, I was just sad. And then, surprinsingly, the day after that, Moby goes out to look for her again, and whaddaya know, she turns up safe and sound! A little dirty, but safe nonetheless. I was so happy, I was crying, and Mom was so mad! "No, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!!!" were her words if I remember correctly. What was funny was that Sham ran in and just started gobbling up her food. We think she was chasing a rabbit or something and got stuck in it's burrow, but she wasn't really skinny, so she probably caught it.
One reason my mom was so mad, was mainly because Sham is a little mischevious. Sam, (the other cat), will be sitting on the chair, innocently, and Sham sneaks up behind him and WHAK! she swings at his tail. Again and again and again. And if he notices, she'll casually run away, and come back. WHAK! WHAK! WHAK!!! And then they'll get into a one paw fight. It's quite funny actually.
Sham gets attacked by Sam a lot. She probably deserves it though. After all the whacking, she actually does. My dad wants her to have kittens, but my mom says we don't want her passing on her mean genes. (Hey that rhymes!) My dad says that if she's so bad, why don't we get rid of her? And on and on and on. Whatever happens, she's still my favorite kitten in the world. And Sam is my favorite cat.
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